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Quiz on Last Month's Words

May / June 2014                               Volume 15  No. 3

Here are the words that were featured last month:

pièce de résistance






For each of the eight examples below, select a word from the above list that best fits the blank. Then check your answers at the end. Note that the correct answer could be any of the word forms that were featured -- example: crescendo, crescendoes, crescendoing, and so on.

  1. Following Jeff Bezos's acquisition of the Washington Post, many are wondering if the founder and CEO will turn the venerable Post into a Bezos . . . . ., or will he instead give plenty of editorial autonomy to its management.
  2. Discussing the then up-trend in interest rates, the Wall Street analyst said: “I believe it's still early in the . . . . . and they'll rise a lot more before reaching the inflection point.”
  3. I'm a big fan of public radio, but this last campaign was most annoying. They kept breaking away right in the middle of important stories to resume their . . . . . for pledges.
  4. I'm not at all surprised that somebody finally . . . . . Martin by taking away most of his authority. He was unnecessarily making people jump through hoops to get approvals on even minor office expenses.
  5. In years past, our department was among the select few invited to the CEO's biannual offsite strategy conference. Not so this year. I'm wondering if we've been . . . . ., that our contributions are now being viewed by the powers that be as less vital.
  6. Tony doesn't know when to stop. When he wants something done, he'll bug you to death. He can become really . . . . ..
  7. To fight obesity, several school districts are trying to . . . . . students' access to unhealthy snacks and high-calorie soft drinks.
  8. The painting “Dance Class” is regarded by some art connoisseurs as Impressionist master Edgar Degas's . . . . ..



1. vassal    2. crescendo    3. importunings    4. defrocked

5. defrocked    6. importunate    7. muzzle    8. pièce de résistance


Give yourself one point for each correct answer.

A score of 8 = excellent; 7 = very good; 6 = not bad; 5 or less = you may want to revisit these words.

Please let me know by e-mail or phone (281-463-2500) what you think about this quiz and how it can be improved.

© 2017 V.J. Singal
No part of this may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.