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Quiz on Last Month's Words

May / June 2015                               Volume 16  No. 3

Here are the words that were featured last month:







For each of the eight examples below, select a word from the above list that best fits the blank. Then check your answers at the end. Note that the correct answer could be any of the word forms that were featured -- example: idolatrous, idolatry, idolatrousness, and so on.

  1. Scientists studying the causes of Parkinson’s disease have found one of the . . . . . to be a mutation in the LRRK2 gene.
  2. Faced with numerous lawsuits, the drug manufacturer’s own lawyers have combined with attorneys from some top law firms to create a formidable defense . . . . ..
  3. My number one problem at home these days concerns my college freshman daughter. I am troubled by how misguided she is in her . . . . . of a college senior at her school.
  4. According to the late John Keegan, the highly respected British military historian, one of the attributes that made German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein the most brilliant of all WWII military commanders was that nothing could disturb his . . . . ..
  5. Unlike many of us baby boomers and Gen-Xers who log 70- to 80-hour workweeks thanks to our . . . . . attachment to both money and our work, most Millennials seem to have struck a pretty healthy work-life balance.
  6. The U.S. and Britain have been strong allies for so long that it’s hard to imagine a situation which will lead to, say, a 'cold war' between the two nations. I firmly believe the American-British alliance is . . . . . no matter which political party is in power in either nation.
  7. The savage manner in which North Korea’s Defense Minister Hyon Yong Chol was ordered killed--by an anti-aircraft gun so that, as a lesson, his body would be torn to pieces in front of hundreds of officials--underscores the . . . . . nature of the Stalinist regime in that nation.
  8. Officials at major sports events are trained to respond to high-strung players’ tantrums with . . . . ..



1. malefactors    2. phalanx    3. idolatry    4. sangfroid

5. idolatrous    6. immutable    7. odious    8. sangfroid


Give yourself one point for each correct answer.

A score of 8 = excellent; 7 = very good; 6 = not bad; 5 or less = you may want to revisit these words.

Please let me know by e-mail or phone (281-463-2500) what you think about this quiz and how it can be improved.

© 2017 V.J. Singal
No part of this may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.