Vociferous    (pronounced voh-sif-er-us) adjective


marked by or given to loud, noisy, or vehement outcry; insistently demanding or complaining.

Main Example

  • In recent speeches, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has vociferously denied allegations that the intelligence gathered on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction was manipulated in any way to win public support for the war in Iraq.

    Workplace Examples

  • Now that our factory has resumed production, I suggest we ship first to those customers who have been the most vociferous in their complaints about the delays.

  • Why on earth is the purchasing department so steamed up about our plan? They're not affected in any way! Yet, in every meeting, they've argued against it . . . vociferously!

    Other Examples

  • at a company's annual meeting, burly security officers physically removing an angry shareholder after his protests became vociferous and disrupted the CEO's speech

  • somebody insisting vociferously that he or she is innocent of a charge

  • Princeton Professor Peter Singer's vociferous advocacy of animal rights

  • the vociferousness of France's opposition to the war in Iraq raising the hackles of many Americans

    © 2003 V.J. Singal

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