Disjunction    (pronounced dis-jungk-shun) noun


1. the act of disjoining or the condition of being disjoined; separation or split.    2. a lack of coherence; inconsistency.

Main Example

  • Many Iraqis used to regard Saddam Hussein as being a "lion" and someone who would "only go down fighting." So, his supporters must have felt tortured by the disjunction between that reputation and the way Saddam actually surrendered--meekly and without firing a shot despite the guns in his possession.

    Workplace Examples

  • You often hear John lecturing other managers about the benefits of camaraderie and a more collegial environment, yet he runs his own department pretty autocratically. I wonder if he ever agonizes over that disjunction.

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  • One reason why I am not comfortable in my job is the disjunction between my personal goals and what the company wants of me.

    Other Examples

  • while critiquing somebody's presentation, your saying: "Beth, I noticed an occasional disjunction between your words and your hand gestures. For instance, when you emphasized the steady rise in your department's productivity, your hands moved horizontally instead of vertically."

  • the recent folding up of the cash-starved U.S. women's professional soccer league, thanks to the disjunction between women's love for playing soccer and people's love for watching them play

  • at a national conference on education, then-IBM CEO Louis Gerstner exhorting high school principals to help remove the disjunction between school curriculum and the skills actually required by employers

  • in a TV interview, Harvard Business School's Lynn Paine blaming the problems at Enron on the lack of ethics oversight regarding management's reward structuring, a situation which lead to a disjunction between the company's "rewards system track" and the "ethics track"

    © 2004 V.J. Singal

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