Voluble    (pronounced vol-yuh-bul) adjective


characterized by a ready, rapid, and continuous flow of speech; talking easily; fluent; extremely articulate.

(Note: unlike its synonyms TALKATIVE, LOQUACIOUS, and GARRULOUS, VOLUBLE is now almost always used as a complimentary term.)

Other Forms

Volubility   (pronounced vol-yuh-bil-uh-tee) noun

Main Example

  • The talking heads featured on CNN's "Crossfire" are probably the most voluble in the business. Both Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson, the two leading antagonists, have a gift for being able to talk extremely fast and yet remain articulate. Thus, each can spew out a lot of points, clearly and forcefully, in the minimum amount of time.

    Workplace Examples

  • We have a hot button issue for tonight's meeting, and if Herb is present, he'll pretty much dominate the discussion. In addition to his voluble nature, this is one topic Herb is really passionate about.

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  • For our next spokesperson, let's pick someone who can speak fluently and volubly. In this sound bite culture, the media often allows a person fewer than ten seconds to make a point, so we need someone who will not fritter away precious seconds with "ahs" and "ums."

    Other Examples

  • your commenting: "Yes, he is probably the smartest guy around here, but you really have to struggle to be a good listener when he is talking . . . he speaks so slowly, with such frequent and long pauses. If only he could be injected with a little bit of volubility!"

  • Larry Kellner, recently appointed as the next CEO of Continental Airlines, being described by admirers as approachable, extroverted, customercentric, and voluble

  • Newt Gingrich, regarded by many political commentators as being synonymous with volubility

    © 2004 V.J. Singal

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